Welcome to the David Cameron Parent Advisory Council Fun Lunch Program.
The Fun Lunch Program is a parent-driven initiative that strives to provide a variety of fun, food options for the children at our school!
We, as a group of parents, would like to offer you the same exciting opportunity we get to be a part of on a regular basis... to be directly involved in what is going on at your child's school. The Fun Lunch volunteers get to spend a morning at the school, interacting with other parents and staff while you volunteer to create one of the children’s favourite days at school. Please if you have any availability in your schedules on the days we have Hot Lunch Program events, please contact us at hotlunchdcpac@gmail.com.
DONATE-A-DOLLAR: We are adding "Donate-a-Dollar" to all of our upcoming Fun Lunch Menus. In prior events, we have provided the option for parents to donate a lunch to a child. We are all feeling the sting of inflation and there are many families struggling. We decided that "Donate-a-Dollar" would make charity more appealing and also more affordable. We want parents to understand that there is never ANY pressure to purchase Fun Lunch or to donate.
At the beginning of every school year, you must create a new account for your child. Please ensure you choose the correct division and teacher. If you are required to enter an access code, it is "eagles" all lower case.
You can pay with credit card through this system, send an email money transfer or email us to arrange alternate payment options.
Please contact hotlunchdcpac@gmail.com if your child is unwell and you would like to pickup their lunch from the office! Otherwise a refund cannot be offered. Also email if you would like to volunteer or have any questions.